Thursday, October 13, 2011


Without a doubt, THE best cranberry sauce you will ever have.  Even if you don't like cranberry sauce, you will drool at the very thought of cranbourbon sauce after just one tiny smackerel.

You will need a bag of cranberries, two cups of sugar, a sprinkling of cinnamon and a quarter cup of Maker's Mark. 

Oven to 350.  Combine first three ingredients in an oven-safe dish. 

Cover the dish and cook for one hour - stirring halfway through to combine.  When you first uncover the dish after a half hour, it won't look like much has happened, but give in a little stir and you'll end up with a sugary cranberry mix. 

After one hour, remove from oven and pour in the Maker's Mark - the bubbling and popping and wafting of Maker's makes Adam smile every time, it was a shame to make it while he was working, but that's what Thanksgiving is really for: The Smell of Bourbon in the Morning.

Cover and refrigerate until well chilled.  You can even make it a day or two ahead of time and it tastes just fine.  Serve with turkey, tofurkey, mashed potatoes, cereal, ice cream, etc.

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